Kenkou Life

“Hello, nice to meet you!!”

Welcome to “A Gift Called Kenkou Life for Mr./Ms.” delivered by
Ozzy, a health care professional general instructor (medical organization: certified by the Japan Association
for the Prevention of Adult Diseases)!

Thank you for visiting
my site today.

My name is Ozzy, and I’m a site administrator.

“A Gift to Your Father’s Mr./Ms. in the Name of Kenkou Life” is a site that I created with the hope of supporting many fathers Mr./Ms.

After much deliberation, I thought that the most wonderful gift for Mr./Ms.
, who is also a middle-aged and elderly man, is

“to be able to live a healthy, enjoyable, and healthy life for the rest of my life.”

From the knowledge I have cultivated so far, I have compiled the information that I think it is
better to know in order to live a
Kenkou life, and

I want to
deliver it as a gift of information to live a Kenkou life forever.

The reason why I Mr./Ms. my father is that I am of my father’s Mr./Ms. generation, and I
myself lost my father early, so I wanted to
deliver it to my father’s Mr./Ms..

Of course, I think it will be
useful for people other than Mr./Ms. to read it. A site that is useful for Kenkou life Please
take a look at the gift
called Kenkou life for your father’s Mr./Ms.!

“Two very important kenko: physical and mental health” There

two types of health that are necessary to continue to live a kenkou life.

One is “physical health” and the other is “mental health”.

Among them, the most important thing to be careful about is how to prevent
lifestyle-related diseases. That’s it.

In the past, it was called an adult disease, but in recent years, it has been caused by
an increase in
the number of diabetic patients in children, an increase in
brain diseases such as stroke and heart diseases such as myocardial infarction in the 20s ~ 30s
. In the sense that anyone can get sick or prevent
it depending on their lifestyle, the name “lifestyle-related disease” was
changed several years ago.

Among lifestyle-related diseases Mr./Ms.,
diseases that require special attention are cancer, brain diseases such as stroke, heart diseases such as
myocardial infarction, diabetes, etc., which everyone is familiar with.

Cancer, brain disease, and heart disease account for
NO1~NO3 in the mortality rate every year.

In the worst case, you will not be able to work, which
will lead to restructuring.

In addition, in the elderly, it is a disease that often progresses from bedridden to dementia (dementia,

The causes of such diseases are high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia
(high cholesterol and triglycerides).
If left untreated, it can lead to arteriosclerosis and lead to stroke and myocardial infarction
), diabetes, etc.
Diabetes, in particular, is a scary disease.

Furthermore, when high blood pressure and diabetes overlap, it is
very susceptible to major diseases.

The scariest thing about such a disease is that it does not hurt or itch, and there are no
subjective symptoms.

What you need to be especially careful about is how to protect the blood and blood vessels, which are
the causes of
these diseases.

And the cause of polluting the blood and damaging the blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) is lifestyle habits such as diet,
drinking, and smoking cessation.

Stress, which is the biggest theme of mental health, also
plays a big role.

Each page of this site has a summary of the
minimum information you should know to prevent such a thing, so
please take your time.

And if possible, I would be grateful if the gift of
information for living a Kenkou life would be of some
help to your happiness!